Saturday, May 16, 2009

Day 7: Rest or X Stretch

Okay, so as previously stated today was not my rest day (yesterday was) and I did Kenpo X today. Actually, I should say I tried to do Kenpo. I had to get up pretty early to do it, and there was hardly ANY space in the hotel room so it was VERY challenging to get my heart rate up. mom had a fun time making fun of me. I think I might have been better off if I had scratched the dvd workout and just did some cardio (because afterall, that's the goal of Kenpo X: a good cross-training cardio session). I will keep that in mind as I continue to make trips down to Knoxville during this move-transition. It IS becoming a concern of mine...that with all this back and forth moving I'll fall off the program, but I'm super determined to get some killer looking triceps, calves, and yeah--abs would be nice. So I'm stickin' to it :)

In my personal life (if you're interested), I didn't find an apartment and I'm SO discouraged! I actually fell in LOVE with this apartment (super ancient) building in the historic district that is filled with personality and has charming apartments with wood floors and little itty bitty kitchens that are all glass so it's wonderful and sunny in them (for less than 400/month!!!) but of course there are no vacancies right now. And it's not a formal place where you get on a wait list or something. So I'm having a new friend keep an eye on them for me, he lives in the building. I'm SOOOO hoping something opens up!! the location is just perfect. And besides that, EVERYTHING else I looked at was either out of my price range (there is one I could maybe swing for 500/month but it would be a stretch AND its kind of isolated from campus, AND has no character) , or they were uninhabitable. And I mean that. I cant believe some of the places I saw.

Also...we accidentally ate at a restaurant last night that had no vegetarian/vegan options (and I mean NONE) on the menu, so I was forced to eat fish. My tummy was extremely confused by that. It tasted funny. *sigh*

Hitting the road early tomorrow morning. Driving 10 hours and then doing Chest&Back and Ab Ripper X. Now that's commitment!!!

Also...I promise to have pics up by monday (tho I'm not excited....pre P90X pics are never as good as post P90X pics lol).

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