Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 9: Plyometrics

*sigh* Plyometrics.....I'm not intentionally trying to be negative, but I don't really enjoy this workout. I love intensity, so it's not that aspect of it (it's SUPER effective for getting your heart rate up), but Tony Horton is right when he says it's out-of-fashion. Jump training is VERY hard on the knees, shins, and joints in general. And...if you do the modified moves, it's not that intense. Anyway...I think a good hard-core workout is just as good, but I'll continue to do Plyo. I just don't really enjoy it the way I do a good run, or Kenpo, or some other kind of cross-training.

Today...I felt wasted by the second set in. My legs were super shaky and, like last week, my heart-rate was too high. I wonder what I can do about that...I don't feel like I overwork right off the bat, I definitely try to stay in a warm-up mode until I feel ready to start bringing it. Hopefully this workout gets better for me, I want it to remain challenging, but without the 'heart going to leap out of my chest' drop dead of a heart-attack feeling...and remember, I'm not "out of shape" or overweight! goodness! How do people do this workout that have quite a bit of weight to lose!? (picturing my beloved big sis right now in all of her post-baby glory trying to do this workout...sometimes it doesn't seem like its actually for real people!!)

Okay, onto one of my favorite workouts tomorrow: Shoulders and Arms with Ab Ripper X!!

A word about my nutrition...
--a lot of people have been asking me how I get my protein. *sigh* people! listen up! meat is not the ONLY source of protein. In fact, Americans eat meat in terrible excess and get a ton of pesticides, hormones ( cruelty) and god knows what along with their protein. I get my protein from: soy milk, soy protein powder, tofu, quinoa (ancient amazing grain the aztecs used to measure as heavily as gold for its richness of nutrients), red-blue-navy-black peans, and soybeans (edamame, boca products, etc). Trust me, I get healthy all of its organic natural wonderfulness :)

one other note....I have become a water fiend. If you're doing P90X, you NEED a ton of least 96oz. a day. In need water anyway if you're trying to lose weight. Not only does it flush actual fat and toxins out of your body, it does amazing things for your skin (so does being a vegan. Sorry...I promised I wouldn't do this. Go start by reading 'Skinny Bitch' if you're interested in a vegan lifestyle. But please read more than just that...its a good jumping off point).


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day 8: Chest and Back/Ab Ripper X

Ooooo goodness, today has been the longest day EVER!! I spent 10 hours in the car to get home from Knoxville (including a two-hour lunch stop to visit my "aunt" Dianna...I love her, she's so much fun), and got home around 9pm. I was WIPED out and STILL had to do my P90X workout.

Chest and Back: Okay, this is my least favorite workout (although Plyo runs a close second lol). I struggle SO SO much with this workout. All of my pull-ups are still with the help of a chair (so...I didn't see any improvement this week with that as far as being able to do any on my own, but I did see an ability to do more reps). Also...almost all of my push-ups are still being done on my knees. I pushed myself SO hard today to try and increase my reps, but my arms were shaking incredibly bad and I had several of the moments where I was stuck mid-way back up and trying to mentally push myself to get up the rest of the way and then accidentally collapsing...I think that means I was at my max. Unfortunately, I still cannot do Divebomber push-ups to save my life! (I'm talking an average of 4 or 5 at the absolute most...and not getting very low either), and the same still holds true for Decline push-ups. I can do about 5-7 of those, but I can't get very low without falling on my face. *sigh*

Ab Ripper X: my one redeeming thing today. I was SO proud of myself. Even though it was like 11pm at night and I was exhausting, I kicked butt today with Abs...especially considering my recent inability to do ab exercises at all! I got through all of Fifer Scissors, all of the Oblique V-ups, Crunchy Frog, and 40 out of the 50 mason twists they do at the end. That's HUGE improvement for me, I couldn't believe it.

So...I kind of got off my diet this weekend. When I say diet, I mean being a Vegan. Granted, it wasn't by choice but I'm still feeling crappy about it. I'm definitely going to have to plan better for when I'm making these trips down south while I get moved. In the first place, it's VERY hard to take P90X with me as I mentioned, in addition to having the energy to do them after so many hours driving. Also...though I'm excited I found one vegan restaurant, I'm going to be doing a LOT of planning my meals out so I don't get caught without an option. I do NOT like eating fish because I can't get a vegan option. I'm not too worried about the situation once I get down there (mainly bc I'm truly going to be a starving graduate student and will be always making my own food as opposed to eating out somewhere), but the drive from Detroit to Knoxville is filled with a WHOLE lot of highway and Cracker Barrels or Waffle House. That doesn't work for me :) So, a lesson learned....

Alright...onto Plyo tomorrow back in business!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Day 7: Rest or X Stretch

Okay, so as previously stated today was not my rest day (yesterday was) and I did Kenpo X today. Actually, I should say I tried to do Kenpo. I had to get up pretty early to do it, and there was hardly ANY space in the hotel room so it was VERY challenging to get my heart rate up. mom had a fun time making fun of me. I think I might have been better off if I had scratched the dvd workout and just did some cardio (because afterall, that's the goal of Kenpo X: a good cross-training cardio session). I will keep that in mind as I continue to make trips down to Knoxville during this move-transition. It IS becoming a concern of mine...that with all this back and forth moving I'll fall off the program, but I'm super determined to get some killer looking triceps, calves, and yeah--abs would be nice. So I'm stickin' to it :)

In my personal life (if you're interested), I didn't find an apartment and I'm SO discouraged! I actually fell in LOVE with this apartment (super ancient) building in the historic district that is filled with personality and has charming apartments with wood floors and little itty bitty kitchens that are all glass so it's wonderful and sunny in them (for less than 400/month!!!) but of course there are no vacancies right now. And it's not a formal place where you get on a wait list or something. So I'm having a new friend keep an eye on them for me, he lives in the building. I'm SOOOO hoping something opens up!! the location is just perfect. And besides that, EVERYTHING else I looked at was either out of my price range (there is one I could maybe swing for 500/month but it would be a stretch AND its kind of isolated from campus, AND has no character) , or they were uninhabitable. And I mean that. I cant believe some of the places I saw.

Also...we accidentally ate at a restaurant last night that had no vegetarian/vegan options (and I mean NONE) on the menu, so I was forced to eat fish. My tummy was extremely confused by that. It tasted funny. *sigh*

Hitting the road early tomorrow morning. Driving 10 hours and then doing Chest&Back and Ab Ripper X. Now that's commitment!!!

Also...I promise to have pics up by monday (tho I'm not excited....pre P90X pics are never as good as post P90X pics lol).

Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 6: Kenpo X I didn't get a workout in today. I'm going to compromise though and just use today as my "rest day" and do Kenpo X tomorrow and then just continue on with week 2 on Sunday with Back and Chest with Ab Ripper X. I DO have a very valid reason for not getting Kenpo in today: I'm in Knoxville for the weekend apartment hunting and having a MAD amount of appointments at the university and with the city county people to get me set up for living. I was SO exhausted from the drive yesterday and everything today (had to get up at 6am) that I just couldn't do Kenpo. Also...this hotel room is rather inefficient so I hope I have enough room to do the workout. I will make this note: P90X is a total commitment. In addition, it's not really a workout you can take "on the road." Especially for days like chest and back--you can't take your iron gym and set it up in your hotel room, ya know? I'm also a little worried about how it's going to work for me once I move. Based on the apartments I saw today, if I did Plyometrics I'd probably crash through the ceiling into my downstairs neighbor. So that's a concern of mine. But nevertheless, I should be mostly completed with the 90 days by the time I'm settled into my yet-to-be-found apartment (even though I fully plan on continuing for at least 180 says with P90X).

I should also note that as long as I'm feeling okay health-wise, I'm following the Doubles program, which means I'll add a second workout (Cardio) into my workouts 4 days a week after I'm finished with training block 1.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 5: Legs and Back/Ab Ripper X

So... just got into Knoxville, TN (my future home in about a month) where I am spending the weekend settling apartment arrangements, registering for classes and getting financial aid/job applications all taken care of. Needless to say, today has been absolutely exhausting. On the road all day...which means I munched on too many pretzels and starbucks soy chai lattes BUT I did manage to find a Mongolian Barbeque (since when did they start calling themselves Mongolian Grill??) in Lexington, KY so I was able to get a decent, vegan dinner at least. The drive was pretty terrbile (and I usually LOVE this drive). I had been at the doctor this morning and so was feeling less-than-stellar from that, and on top of everything my basically new Focus decided to start leaking transmission fluid recently so I wasn't able to drive it. Spent 1o hours in a Ranger truck. Ugh. Awesome lightning storms, but something about driving up into the smokies during heavy fog and torrential rain and then back down again at nighttime was just a little unnerving. Oh well...better get used to it! Okay, onto P90X:

I couldn't sleep last Detroit we were having a monsoon and the most fantastic thunderstorm so my puppy kept me up crying all night. Finally at 430am I decided 'to hell with it, I'm obviously not sleeping any more' and got up to do Legs and Back, and Ab Ripper X. Now...I have VERY strong legs and the first time I did this workout I felt great, I was able to go deep in all the moves, take on the more challenging elements, and keep up. For some reason, I SUCKED this morning. I dont know if it's because it was so early or what but I felt wasted 20 minutes into it. My heart rate was crazy high for a resistance training workout and I couldn't complete a lot of the sets. Also...chinups were disappointed. And I got frustrated and know I stopped short of what I could really do. A very disappointing day for me with P90X, but I gotta put it in the past...and just bring it even harder next week with Legs and Back.

Doc said I should be able to do some (if not all) ab exercises as soon as I'm feeling up to it, so we'll continue to play Ab Ripper X by ear.

Kenpo X is up for tomorrow...should be interesting in my hotel room.


Bring IT!! Hey everyone...I'm Christina, and welcome to my P90X Blog. This blog is a big leap for me into the more technical aspects of computer and Internet use, as I basically know how to turn my laptop on, print things, check my e-mail and be obsessed with Facebook :) However, I have recently embarked on a 90-day journey to transform my body with P90X, and I wanted to provide a day-by-day reflection on the program specifically to benefit all the women out there who are (or who are interested in) the P90X program. There are a LOT of blogs out there for our male P90X friends, and while that's great support (bring it!), I've decided to hop on the band wagon and add another blog to small number out there by the female P90X community. In addition, I have yet to find a blog by a VEGAN female *drumroll* please, here it is! While I realize that the vegan population of people in general is pretty small, and the community of vegan, female P90X users is even smaller (that's one heck of a filter), I hope my information is still beneficial. Here's a little bit about me:
I'm a 23 year-old graduate student studying music (I'm hoping I can blame my artistic nature for my abominable knowledge of technology), but I've been fit and active all my life....just not P90X fit. I grew up first a gymnast and ballerina, studied modern, jazz, tap, and Scottish highland dance for 18 years, and then let music finally take priority sometime in high school when I realized there was NO way I was going to make the height requirement for the Rockettes (bummer). When I got to undergrad, I started working out in a gym. I was always a big fan of elliptical machines, spin classes, and yoga. I'm also a pageant veteran: I competed in the Miss America Organization for 7 years, and ventured into a myriad of strange diets and workout regimens, none of which were very sustainable (though they worked extremely well for my short-term goals). I decided to become a vegan through a process of reading, researching, and more reading on the pros and cons of a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle, the nutrients of dairy and animal products that can be found in natural, plant-based foods, and yes--the disturbing practices of the meat/dairy industry and the (in my opinion) unacceptable treatment of animals. This blog is not going to be me up on a soapbox condemning people who eat meat and touting the benefits of a vegan lifestyle, I promise. Suffice it say that a vegan lifestyle serves me well and I have reaped the benefits. I have more energy, I eat a diet basically free of processed foods, preservatives and chemicals, I DO eat a diet rich in whole grains, soy protein, fruits, vegetables, and yes-a B12 supplement and daily multivitamin. I sleep better, I have a clean body, have noticed a HUGE improvement in my skin and hair, and knocked off weight.

My goals with P90X are to gain strength, flexibility I lost when I quit dancing, stamina so I can cut down my running time, and of course: muscle definition. I'm looking for an overall trim/toned appearance. I don't expect to lose any/much weight as I'm at a healthy weight for my height, and have an athletic build to begin with...I'm not willowy or "thin", I would consider myself compact and sturdy. I will post pictures ASAP and continue to post throughout my journey.

Starting Stats:
Weight: 125
Height: 5'3" (and a half!)

For those that fall into my weight/height category, please be advised that under P90X calculations, I am aiming to eat roughly 1,800 calories a day (and some days I hit this, some days I fall seems like a LOT for a vegan but the program emphasizes how important it is to eat your calculated daily recommendation even if it seems like a lot!). For me, it varies day-to-day: Sometimes I feel ravenous, other days I really struggle to get to 1,600.

I should also say (perhaps obviously) I am not following the nutrition guide that comes with the program. As a vegan, my diet is regimented and restrictive enough so that I don't feel I need to follow the different phases outlined in the program: I've decided it's just important for me to make sure I'm getting enough protein, and eating complex carbohydrates. I will note that I am trying to restrict carbs after about 4pm so that my last meal of the day is lean protein and veggies...but I'm human, this does not always happen. I will mention products here and there that work for me that are vegan-friendly (and no, I'm not being subsidized to promote specific products: I wish!!!)

A cool website to checkout is my friend Matt's: He's a hardcore P90Xer and got me interested in the program. His blog is great for general information, and of course--for guys following the program. He's also a beachbody coach (something I am not). His website is check it out!

Alright, Here we go!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 4: Yoga X

So before I begin talking about Yoga X, I first have to say that I LOVE yoga and have been practicing it (not super regularly but a few classes a month) for several years. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE yoga. It's so healing.

Alright, so I have a few bones to pick with P90X's yoga. First of all, what's with the push-ups in the middle of our sun salutations? Push ups are not yoga. Also...(and I suppose its ok) this workout uses a lot of different KINDS of yoga. On the plus side, it's a great workout really. everything from Level 1 yoga to super advanced things like the Half Moon Twist, Crane, and Wheel. Awesome. I was drenched in sweat (attractive, I know) by the middle of the moving sequences and I just felt amazing. Totally focused, limber, flexible and open. It was like all the bad tension in my body from the last couple of workouts and the creaks in my bones worked themselves out. The only bad part was during Frog pose...again, immense pain like I experienced in Ab Ripper X. Going to the doctor tomorrow morning to get that sorted out. I refuse to put my life (and yoga) on hold!

Overall...okay, so not at all like being in a yoga class and Tony Horton isn't by any means the inspirational, motivational calm force like my yoga teachers have always been (like when he's shouting at the P90Xers during the Ab sequence: calm down dude! he wrecked the chi) . Actually, that was my other big problem with Yoga X. I can't believe he did that during yoga belly 7. The philosophy of Yoga is to HEAL your body through breath and through a focus on mind, body and spirit. It's a belief that you accept your current ability and embrace it. You don't focus on the ability of others, it's all about your own personal ability and growth over time. Therefore...weightroom-esque shouting to "get higher!! get higher!!" totally interrupts the calm flow. It was just so weird when he did that because the whole time he was emphasizing the "storm beneath the calm," which IS true and important: in yoga you work, work, work but it's all focused on one part of the body. The rest of your being is supposed to be calm and relaxed. Oh IS P90X, and he means business.

Can't wait for Yoga X next week (and maybe I'll just turn off the voices) :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 2: Plyometrics

Holy hell! Plyometrics is TRULY the mother of all workouts. My heart rate was through the fact, it was too high. I had to take a little bit longer breaks to get my heart rate back down in my target zones. I definitely tried to bring it as much as possible. Especially on the jump moves, I pushed myself to keep up when the P90Xers started double-timing the jumps. Very challenging! I didn't always land "lightly" like I was supposed to...especially at the end, goodness! It was more like I was crashing into the floor (must work on that). And also...I was half exasperated/giggling madly toward the end with the baseball pitcher move. wtf!? I cannot DO this move!!! I tried pause, I tried slow-motion, I tried practicing on my own. I cannot seem to get this right. I think I got the basic foot motion of it towards the end, but I didn't feel a strain anywhere...obviously not doing it correct. Anyone else have this problem?? Overall...I can see my weak area is stamina, and hey! That's one of my goals is to gain an increased stamina Tony Horton tell us to say "I presently struggle with my stamina." And the damn baseball move. haha.

Find I workout better if I eat a little complex carbohydrate before I work out. Today I had one piece of whole grain toast with 1 tsp. of peanut butter before I did Plyo, but I had to wait a good hour and a half after I ate it. He even mentions not to eat at least an hour before Plyo--please take this advice!

Postworkout soy protein shake: I'm a creature of habit. Same one as yesterday :) Cheers!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day 1: Training Block 1 (Chest&Back/Ab Ripper X)

Alright, Day 1 of P90x was...interesting. I felt extremely out of shape! Had serious issues with the Divebomber and Diamond push-ups, and a bit of trouble with declines. I was able to do Round one in plank position, but by Round 2 my push-ups were all on my knees (Note to self: when Tony Horton says don't get wasted in round one, he uh...means it!). Pull-ups are frustrating. I passed the pre-program fit test with 1 pull up, but these guys are insane! So obviously, I'm using a chair for assistance. every time. Especially during round 2 I had to really focus on "bringing it" and just doing my best. It's like in yoga's not about looking at how many someone else can do, how deep someone else can go, etc. It's about your personal best, and reveling in your own personal progress and achievement.

Ab Ripper X....oh dear. I think on average I did 20 reps of each moved compared to the P90Xers 25 per move. And by the end, when I was doing the Mason twists I thought I was going to break in half!! insane! I can tell how effective this workout is. My biggest trouble was leg pain...I felt a LOT of the exercises in my hip flexors and legs, but Tony Horton says that's natural so I'm going with it.

Post workout: Soy Protein Shake (I like Genisoy Vanilla) with 1 cup Rice Dream, 1/4 cup natural O.J. and 1/4 cup frozen raspberries=yum!!